
sábado, 26 de fevereiro de 2011

BDS/BOTW - Free Blocos do SPA - Agulhinhas Parte 2 - bloco #18

Minha inspiração será uma homenagem para 2 pessoas muito queridas por mim.
Minha sogra e minha mãe.
Esta homenagem quero fazer com esta trepadeira de flores delicadas.
Ela se chama Lágrimas de Cristo.
A mudinha foi presente de minha sogra já faz um tempinho e hoje minha mudinha..cresceu..cresceu.

Hoje....simplesmente por ser hoje... quero homenagear minha mãe...1 ano de saudades.

Fiz o melhor possivel para que saisse bem lindo !!
A cesta me deu um pouco de trabalho, dai simplifiquei o desenho..rsrs
Aqui a foto do bloco #18 - Cesta Lágrima de Cristo da Vovó.

Aqui nosso Baltimore Quilt Agulhinhas com os 18 blocos... com a ajuda do paint.

E o Baltimore da Sue 1 com os 18 blocos também.
Vai ficar muito bonito !!!

Bom amigas
Por hoje é só.
Espero que tenham gostado da surpresa de 2 blocos e agora estamos na reta final.
Weeee!! Só mais 2 blocos para finalizarmos nossa jornada.
Por favor..deixem seu recadinho que adoro ler o carinho de vocês.
Alguém está fazendo os blocos??
Envia a foto para mim ..vou adorar ...amar...pular de alegria quando postar sua foto aqui !!!


4 comentários:

  1. You have such a generous heart, Suely!! I am going to begin my first block and make your lovely quilt. Thank you for sharing not just the quilt blocks but the inspiration behind them!! I will read your blog more often now that I have figured out how to translate it. I wish I were smarter sometimes when it comes to this computer stuff!!

  2. This one is also beautiful. I'm not sure if you are missing your mother because you are apart, or if she is gone forever, (automatic translation loses something) but I sympathize with you, either way. It's so hard to be apart from those we love. That's a beautiful homage to your mother.

  3. Sandi Thank you so much for visiting me and you are always welcome in my blog and in my life. I'm very very glad to share them with you and your fabulous group. I'm hornor for that.
    Thanks you and welcome again. I'll wait for you.Hope you have a lot of fun there with Baltimore Hex Quilt..:)). ((BIG HUGS)

  4. Hi sweetest friend Susan, yes I really want to homage my mon and my mother in law in this block.I took care my mom for almost 13 years, she had Alzheimer and I lost her on 26th February 2010 . I'll miss her till the end of my days. And another most important person in my life was my mother in law, she'll be always in my heart as my mom too. She calls me by the name daugther :)) She was delicate like the little flower of my pic inspiration for block. Both of them I lost forever.Someday in somewhere in the sky we'll meet again. :)).
    WOW! You got to translate quite well. So great Susan !!Love it.
    Thank you so much for inviting me to hexagon Alley group. I'll be there as soon as I had finish something to show there. Thank you and welcome forever Susan!! *Ü*
